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Результаты поиска

Heron's formula calculator
This calculator calculates the area of a triangle using Heron's formula. This formula gives the area of a triangle from the lengths of all three sides. The formula can be found below the calculator.
Side length of the regular polygon
Calculates the side length of the regular polygon circumscribed or inscribed to a circle. Created by user's request
Volume of geometric shapes
Calculates volume of geometric shapes: cube, prism, pyramid, frustum, cone, cylinder, sphere, ellipsoid.
Surface area of a cube
Cube Calculator: Volume, Surface Area, and Sphere Radii
The calculator is designed to provide various measurements related to a cube based on its side length. It can calculate the volume, surface area, circumscribed sphere radius, inscribed sphere radius, and the radius of the sphere tangent to edges.
Sphere Calculator
Calculate the Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere with our online calculator
Calculates ellipsoid and spheroid volume and surface area.
Determinant of 3x3 matrices
This calculator calculates the determinant of 3x3 matrices
Stirling's approximation of factorial
Online calculator computes Stirling's approximation of factorial of given positive integer (up to 170!)
Torus Calculator
Calculate the surface area and volume of a torus based on its radius and tube radius.
Area of triangle by coordinates
This calculator determines the area of a triangle using its vertex coordinates in the cartesian coordinate system.
Dew Point Calculator
This calculator determines the dew point from a given temperature and relative humidity of the air.
Inverse trigonometric functions
This calculator determines values of inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccotangent, arcsecant, arccosecant) and outputs it with different measurement units (degrees, radians, minutes, etc)
Mathematical calculator
Mathematical calculator is used for evaluation math expressions with arithmetic operations (+-/*^) and functions: sqrt - square root, exp - exponential function, lb - binary logarithm, lg - decimal logarithm, ln - natural logarithm, sin - sine, cos - cosine, tan - tangent, cot - cotangent, sec - secant, csc - cosecant, arcsin - arcsine, arccos - arccosine, arctan - arctangent, arccot - arccotangent, arcsec - arcsecant, arccosec - arccosecant and others
Pythagorean theorem calculator
Our Pythagorean Theorem Calculator can be used to find the missing side length of a right triangle by inputting the lengths of two known sides.
Sine Law Calculator
This online calculator determines the lengths of triangle sides given one side and two angles using the law of sines.
Hyperbolic functions calculator
Calculation of hyperbolic functions
Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
Calculation of inverse hyperbolic functions of given argument